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Sailor Resources

The classes to boats that are available in Samoa are all owned by the National Federation and the Apia Yacht Club. 12 Laser dinghies are on lease from the Samoa PG Federation. The Laser class dinghies were imported when Samoa hosted the 2019 Pacific Games.  In 2002 Samoa combined with IODA ( International Optimist Dinghy Association and Samoa hosted the IODA Championships. This was a good opportunity for the club to acquire 30 Optimist dinghy boats. These are still being used today for the beginner sailor program and have been used to coach many children over the past 22 years. In 2007 Samoa also hosted the Pacific Games and 12 Hobie Cat catamarans were imported. Later after the games these hulls were also leased to the National Federation for 3 years and then later offered to the AYC for sale. This opportunity has allowed the local club to have a good fleet of boats for coaching all levels of sailors. 

Samoa Sailing Association

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